A few days ago, on August 28th, Fox News' and the American Tea Baggers luminary, Glenn Beck, had his "Restoring Honor" rally held in DC. And to note, it was held in the same place and on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech. Billed as a non-political event, the obvious theme to this charade was that government intervention is not the answer, but the problem. This video below done by NewLeftMedia, takes a walk through the crowds, in an attempt to objectify what people's views and opinions truly are with the current government state. Needless to say, I'm not surprised of how little detail these tea baggers actually know - just a crowd full of clichéd responses. Lines like "We're the only nation like this, and this has gotta change" or "The things going on are just crazy" were literally some of the most veracious responses, in their minds of course. Ugh, I don't know, but I guess it just bothers me that one of the lead countries in the world still has catalysts of nonsense, through major figures like Glenn Beck, and Fox News as a whole. I honestly wonder if deep down, Beck actually believes everything he says, especially while looking at the demographic he's 'apparently' reaching out to.